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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: samtax
* Date: 08/07/2018
* Time: 7:47 AM
@see https://github.com/nezamy/route
How it works
Routing is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function.
Route for index.php, might be
$route->any('/', function() {
echo 'Hello World';
$route->any('/about', function() {
echo 'About';
$route->get(['/', 'index', 'home'], function() {
// Will match 3 pages with one function
=========== For “unlimited” optional parameters, you can do this: ================
// This example will match anything after blog/ - unlimited arguments
$route->get('/blog/*', function() {
// [$this] instanceof ArrayObject so you can get all args by getArrayCopy()
====================================================================================================== c
function pages() {
echo 'Page Content';
$route->get('/', 'pages');
class Home
function pages() {
echo 'Home page Content';
$route->get('/', ['Home', 'pages']);
// OR
$home = new Home;
$route->get('/', [$Home, 'pages']);
// OR
$route->get('/', 'Home@pages');
$route->any('/', function() {
// Any method requests
$route->get('/', function() {
// Only GET requests
$route->post('/', function() {
// Only POST requests
$route->put('/', function() {
// Only PUT requests
$route->patch('/', function() {
// Only PATCH requests
$route->delete('/', function() {
// Only DELETE requests
// You can use multiple methods. Just add _ between method names
$route->get_post('/', function() {
// Only GET and POST requests
============== Parameters ============
/ This example will match any page name
$route->get('/?', function($page) {
echo "you are in $page";
// This example will match anything after post/ - limited to 1 argument
$route->get('/post/?', function($id) {
// Will match anything like post/hello or post/5 ...
// But not match /post/5/title
echo "post id $id";
// more than parameters
$route->get('/post/?/?', function($id, $title) {
echo "post id $id and title $title";
============= Named Parameters =========
$route->get('/{username}/{page}', function($username, $page) {
echo "Username $username and Page $page <br>";
// OR
echo "Username {$this['username']} and Page {$this['page']}";
============= Named Parameters ===========
* Route Config
require PATH_LIBRARY ."route/RouteSystem.php";
$app = RouteApp::instance();
$app->request = RouteRequest::instance();
$app->route = RouteSystem::instance($app->request);
$route = $app->route;
* Route Init/Include
//require PATH_APP."route.php";
function api_and_form_default_route(){
global $route;
$route->any('form/*', function (){
Session1::set('old', $_REQUEST);
echo json_encode( \ServerRequest1::callFunction(urldecode(Url1::getPageName()), ',', false) );
else return Url1::redirect(Url1::backUrl());
$route->any(['api/*', 'restapi/*'], function (){ echo json_encode(\Api1::callFunction(urldecode(Url1::getPageName()))); });
* @param $name
* @param $actionFunction
function makeRoute($name, $actionFunction) { global $route; $route->any($name, $actionFunction); }
* @param string $onLoginFound_redirectTo
* @param array $errorMessage
function make_default_route($onLoginFound_redirectTo = '/', $errorMessage = ['Welcome Back', 'You have Logged In Already, Please Logout out first and try again', 'error']) { //routes()['dashboard']
global $route;
$route->view('/forgot_password', 'pages.auth.forgot_password');
$route->view('/reset_password', 'pages.auth.reset_password');
$route->any('/register', function() use ($onLoginFound_redirectTo, $errorMessage){ if(User::isLoginExist()){ Url1::redirect(url($onLoginFound_redirectTo), $errorMessage); } else { echo view('pages.auth.register'); } });
$route->any('/login', function() use ($onLoginFound_redirectTo, $errorMessage){ if(User::isLoginExist()){ Url1::redirect(url($onLoginFound_redirectTo), $errorMessage); } else { echo view('pages.auth.login'); } });
$route->any('/logout', function() { return User::logout(); });
$route->get('/delete_account', function() { (User::getLogin(false))->delete(); });
// $route->end('/error404','pages.error404', function($error404PageName, $error404ViewName){
// if(!view_exists($error404ViewName)) return false;
// view($error404ViewName); return true;
// });