Class HtmlWidget1
Located at easycore/EasyForm.php
public static
fileDeleteBox( $model1FileLocatorId = -1, $filePath = '/public_html/image.jpg', $previewUrl = null, $style = 'height:150px;width:150px;', $labelName = 'Delete Image' )
public static
imageUploadBox( $imageButtonName = 'uploadImages[]', $demoImage = null, $image_style = 'height:150px;width:150px;', $labelName = 'Upload Image' )
public static
imagesUploadBox( $imageButtonName = 'uploadImages[]', $modelFilePath = null, $box_style = 'height:150px;width:150px;', $labelName = 'Upload Image', $hideByFilePath = [] )
public static
public static
urlActiveTag( $urlLink = null, null $innerHtmlDataHyperLinkWithUrl = '<a> hello world </a>', string $onActiveAddClassName = "active", string $otherClassNames = '', array $tagAttribute = [], string $tagName = 'li' )
use to Make Component active based on Active Url when is the current Url |
public static
listAndMarkActiveLink( $linkNameLocation = ['home'=>'#'], $selectedListStyle = 'font-weight: bolder;', $normalListStyle = '' )
public static
menuHorizontalBar( $title = 'App Name', $linkNameLocation = ['Home Page'=>'#'], $selectedMenuStyle = 'color: #14a3ff;font-weight: bolder;', $menuStyle = '', $navClass = '' )
public static
menuHorizontalBarAdmin( $title = 'App Name', $linkNameLocation = ['Dashboard'=>'#'], $selectedMenuStyle = 'color: #14a3ff;font-weight: bolder;', $menuStyle = '', $navClass = 'navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top', $seachAction = '#' )
public static
menuOverlay( $linkNameLocation = ['Dashboard'=>'#'], $selectedMenuStyle = 'color: tomato;font-weight: bolder;', $menuStyle = '' )
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
footerPopup( string $content = '', string $name = 'Click Me!', string $align = 'center', string $contentStyle = '', string $widgetStyle = '', string $onClickScript = 'console.dir("dialog clicked");' )
example ob_start(); $userInfo->form()->render(); $dd = ob_get_clean(); echo footerPopup($dd, 'click me 1', '0'); echo footerPopup($dd, 'click me 1', '25'); |
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static
public static