Api1 | Class Api1 All Api Class must Extend this |
Array1 | |
ArrayObject1 | |
Auth1 | Class Auth1 the Aim is to Design Something similar to laravel Auth (but with 1) |
AuthModel1 | Class Controller1 All Controller Class must Extend this, Model is also extending this which means, Model Can contain Controller function as Well... The Only Different between This and Api1 class is that, Controller get validate automatically just by putting or simply call form_token() in the form field |
Chat1 | Class Chat This store a message with format |
Class1 | |
Color1 | |
Console1 | |
Controller1 | Class Controller1 All Controller Class must Extend this, Model is also extending this which means, Model Can contain Controller function as Well... The Only Different between This and Api1 class is that, Controller get validate automatically just by putting or simply call form_token() in the form field |
Converter1 | |
Cookie1 | |
Date1 | |
DateManager1 | |
Db1 | Database Class Class Db1 |
DbPref1 | Preference is a key value class, it save and get value just like session / cookie This is a plan to save string value, Object, Model1, in database Class DbPref1 |
EasyBook | |
EasyCountry | |
EasyGenerator | Class EasyDataSetGenerator is a Faker Class |
EasyProduct | |
EasyProject | |
EasySchool | Created by PhpStorm. User: samtax Date: 25/11/2017 Time: 6:53 PM |
EasyStatus | |
exApiController1 | Class exApiController1 Inbuilt Secured Api caller. because it is using controller1, therefore, it cannot be accessed from outside the app. Because token is always required. |
exBlade1 | |
exClass | Created by PhpStorm. User: samtax Date: 08/07/2018 Time: 11:00 AM |
exData1 | |
exMail1 | |
exRoute1 | |
exTranslate1 | |
exUrl1 | |
FileManager1 | File System Management Class Class FileManager1 |
FilePref1 | Class Pref1 A simple flat-file key/value storage class for PHP $fruit->set('fruits', array('apples', 'bananas', 'clementines')); //returns TRUE or Error |
Form1 | |
Function1 | |
Header1 | |
Html1 | |
HtmlAsset1 | |
HtmlForm1 | |
HtmlStyle1 | |
HtmlWidget1 | |
Math1 | |
Model1 | Class Controller1 All Controller Class must Extend this, Model is also extending this which means, Model Can contain Controller function as Well... The Only Different between This and Api1 class is that, Controller get validate automatically just by putting or simply call form_token() in the form field |
Model1FileLocator | |
Number1 | |
Object1 | |
Page1 | Class Page1 This is created for jquery $(document).ready and can be used as JQuery version > 2 $(function(){ alert('page loaded'); }); |
Picture1 | |
Popup1 | |
RecursiveArrayObject1 | |
RegEx1 | |
ResultObject1 | Class ResultObject1 for Api return result ResultObject1 could be use as Result to return Object $result = ResultStatus1::make(true, 'data loading...', ['some data']); if($result->getStatus()) echo 'Working...'; else echo $result->getMessage(); Use mostly With Api, because it allows status and result together |
ResultStatus1 | Class ResultStatus1 ResultStatus1 could be use as Result for method [just to return text, number and boolean], could be true by itself of false and any of its method could be accessible as well $result = ResultStatus1::make(true, 'data loading...', ['some data']); if($result) echo 'Working...'; else echo $result->message(); Because it does not work well with Object returning, Therefore, do Not Use with Api, Use ResultObject1 Instead |
ServerRequest1 | Class ServerRequest Use to call method directly with string like url |
Session1 | |
SessionPreferenceSave1 | |
String1 | |
TaskManager1 | Task Manager |
Url1 | |
Validation1 | |
Value1 |
Controller1RouteInterface | Interface Controller1RouteInterface Use for (new RouteSystem)->resource('', '', []) |
Model1ActionInterface | Display in Admin Dashboard Interface ModelAdmin |
Model1PageInterface | Display in Admin Dashboard Interface ModelAdmin |
__ | |
api_and_form_default_route | |
app | Get App Route and RequestInformation |
app_api_list | get list of api class |
app_class_list | all known app class. e.g AuthModel1::class, Model1::class, Controller1::class, Api1::class; |
app_class_paths | app full class path list |
app_class_with_interface | |
app_controller_list | app controller list |
app_dashboard_list | get model with Dashboard Interface |
app_db_model_list | Existing Model with table List |
app_db_table_list | Get Existing Model and Table List |
app_model_list | get all model list |
app_page_list | get model with page interface. E.g FrontendPage::class, DashboardPage::class |
asset | Get Assets files |
csrf_token | Get Session Token |
current_layout_asset | Use in your layout to get current location of layout assets Get Current Layout Assets ( Function can only be used inside resources/layouts/layouts_name ) |
current_plugin_asset | Use in your plugin to get current location of plugin assets Get Current Plugin Assets ( Function can only be used inside resources/plugins/plugin_name ) |
current_resources_asset_path | Use in your plugin/layout to get current location of assets |
d | Use for debugging but don't end page |
dd | Use for debugging and end page |
file_base | |
file_session | |
file_session_get | |
file_session_remove | |
file_session_save | |
form_call_api | Generate Url to API |
form_call_controller | Generate Url to Form Controller |
form_token | Get Session Token Form, Hidden form with token field |
get_all_view_in_directory | |
get_valid_view_path | Automatic lookup for view in either app view folder or shared view folder. return null if folder not exist |
is_token_valid | validate token |
is_ajax_request | |
layout_asset | Get Layout Assets directory ( Layout serve as Theme ) |
mailer | |
mailer_send_mail_to_list | |
make_default_route | |
makeRoute | |
normalizeSharedPath | if shared_assets, create symlink to assets and put under website. (otherwise move __include folder to your website) because assets file must be a subdirectory under website domain and not outside website folder wic we don't knw url location for. normalizeSharedPath('', '/shared/resources/plugins/', 'plugin_asset'); |
now | return current date and time information |
now_date | Current date information |
now_time | current time information |
old | All Last Request, Select From Last Request of No Parameter to return all. |
paginate | |
path_app | |
path_asset | |
path_asset_url | |
path_clear_cache | Delete All Ehex Creatd Cache |
path_main | |
path_main_url | |
path_shared | Shared Path Information |
path_shared_app | |
path_shared_asset | |
path_shared_asset_url | |
path_shared_resources | |
path_to_viewpath | |
plugin_asset | Get Plugin Assets directory |
pre | |
redirect | Goto a particular address use mostly in controller |
redirect_back | Goto a previous address |
redirect_failed | redirect to previous page or to error404 Page if previous failed |
redirect_to_view | use mostly in controller |
register_path_for_layout_asset | Call on all layout template. It will use the template path to locate assets folder and use it for the website |
request | Get any sent request like $_GET, $_POST and $_FILES... Also all value are being normalized. Checkbox value are set to either true of false, and files are well arrange, in Parameter, Set the Names |
resources_path | |
resources_path_asset | |
resources_path_cache | |
resources_path_plugin | |
resources_path_view | |
resources_path_view_cache | |
resources_path_view_layout | |
route | redirect with route | Navigate to any menu |
routes | Navigate to any menu and Return all Menu, can be accessed through routes()->login =======[ get all route link and value array as ArrayObject and call by name, e.g routes()->home, routes()->current, ]================= |
shared_asset | |
token | Ehex Token Generator |
translate_language | |
translated_language | |
url | redirect with route url |
view | |
view_exists | |
view_make | |
viewpath_to_path | Get View full path |